Leggings: Nordstrom | Shoes: Similar, Love These [these were purchased in NYC months ago and I haven’t found them online, but if I did I WOULDN’T recommend them! haha. They are only cute for running errands, if you do anything active in them you get blisters.] | Top: Similar | Vest: Athleta, Similar | Tracker: Kate Spade [c/o]
Photography by: Angie Garcia
Before I was pregnant I always had two polar opposite views of working out:
Either I needed to be pushing myself with a routine every day and never missing or whatever I was doing wouldn’t work.
I needed to just find something I enjoyed and that would be better for me than pushing myself too much.
And while I think it’s good to have a mix of both mindsets [to some degree! I want to push myself and enjoy what I’m doing], I’ve definitely had a different view this pregnancy. For me, I’ve wanted to just be active because if I enjoyed what I was doing, I would do it more. The more I worked out, the better it was for the baby. However, this definitely isn’t the time to pick up a new workout or train for a half marathon that I wasn’t training for before. Instead, I’ve been considering investing my time in activities that align with my fitness goals and perhaps even exploring options like obtaining a personal trainer certification to enhance my knowledge and skills in a safe and effective way. And if you have questions on weight lifting like What muscles are worked in the deadlift, make sure to click the link to learn more. You may also want to visit a helpful site like www.anabolicdirect.co/ for some effective workout tips!
I found interval workouts on Pinterest for the treadmill and I’ve enjoyed doing them so much! I thought I’d share an example one today so you could try one day at the gym! Buying An Elliptical might also ignite some spark for your workout sessions. See more of good used gym equipment at https://refurbishedgymequipment.co.uk. Whether you require professional help within your own home gym or work for a commercial gym that requires gym equipment maintenance, we offer a range of fitness equipment servicing options to suit all needs, visit GymEquipmentRepair.uk for Info.
via: Get Healthy
Here’s an example if you don’t want to be changing your incline a lot because for some people they seriously lose interest if they are constantly hitting buttons.
via: PopSugar
I love to constantly change my incline so this is one more similar to what I do! However, because I’m pregnant I actually do this for an hour and just space out the intervals so I’m not switching as much with a lot of intensity.
It’s so nice to break up your workout with walking, walking on an incline, jogging and sprinting. I never get bored because I’m constantly thinking about what I need to do next and what times and inclines I’m looking at. To further elevate your exercise environment and maintain this dynamic approach, consider seeking the expertise of Gym Equipment Removals.
Another thing I have added to my pregnancy is just having a goal with steps each day. I’ve had a Fitbit for years and worn it off and on, but the only thing that bothered me was charging it. I’d wear it for a week straight, then take it off to charge and forget to wear it the next week. I’m also a big girl and can lower my pride to admit, I just didn’t think they were all that cute. Fitness isn’t a fashion accessory, but it sure doesn’t blend with my arm party. I saw Kate Spade was coming out with a tracker and I got SO excited. First off, this has a battery and doesn’t require to be charged. I’ve had it for about a month now and it’s been great, so I’m not sure how often you would switch the battery, but it’s so much easier than taking off to charge and forgetting. You just sync it with the Kate Spade App and it tracks your sleep and steps. It’s also a little fun and counts down until your next celebration [perfect wedding gift!] and you can control your music, etc. I got the black with the gold scallops but I also love the kitten ears one! If you’re looking to enhance your home gym setup for a more comfortable and durable workout experience, you should consider weight bench upholstery.
I give myself a goal of 10,000 steps a day [clearly these photos were at 7 a.m. when I’d only hit like 500 steps! haha] and if that’s through my local health club in Perth, a long walk with Paul or a crazy day of errands I’m content with it. It’s honestly helped me to have that balance I need for pregnancy because you don’t want to “push” yourself to go to the gym if you’re exhausted, but you also don’t want to park it on the couch every single day. I wore this in NYC when we would run around and I was so happy because I would hit like 18,000 steps a day and so I was like, “It’s fine, babe! We need to get ice cream! I hit 18,000 steps. ICE CREAM IS REQUIRED.”
I definitely want to do a meal post on what I’ve been eating during pregnancy, I just need things to balance out for a bit so I can get a typical schedule down! My first trimester I was SO sick, but I also was starving and had to eat. So I would eat maybe one or two big meals a day and then be sick the rest of the day. I think my body was just in shock from working so hard to grow a baby and being depleted from morning sickness. During my second trimester, people say you’re starving, and while I’m hungry, I’m definitely not starving-yet! I’m also so impressed with my daughter because she gives me so much heartburn I literally think it’s coming through my ears. haha! I mean talk about a powerful little baby. So to balance that I try to eat lots of little meals throughout the day. I might have an apple with peanut butter and fruit for a snack or I also love whole grain waffles with almond butter on them for another. It helps me not get too sick with heartburn after I eat. So once I have a month or so of consistent meals, I’ll definitely work on a post for that! 🙂
I’m not sure what workout I will try when I have her, so I’d love to hear what any of you moms did postpartum! I love to take classes, but I’m a little nervous about revolving my workouts around a studio schedule when my life will revolve around my baby’s schedule. I also don’t like that by the time you drive, take the class, come home it’s been almost two hours sometimes. I don’t want to be away from her for that long to just be working out. I keep thinking maybe I’ll just go back to running because you can mix it with up fast runs and long runs depending upon your baby’s schedule. And I love that I can put her in the stroller come spring and she can come with me! But I’m all ears to you moms or even if you just have a quick workout you absolutely love! y the way, if you’re looking to enhance your home workouts, you can buy second hand gym equipment uk for convenient and affordable options.
Thanks so much for reading, what is your favorite workout right now?!
What shoes do you like to run in?
Thanks for the tips!
You have the cutest workout outfits! I wore a Fitbit for a few months because my work has competitions but it’s FARRR from fashionable! I tried to buy a {semi}cute cover to jazz it up but it just clashes with too much hah! Pinterest is my go-to for mixing up my workouts- pure barre has been my workout of choice lately but when I can’t make it to class, Pinterest has my back 😉 Thanks for sharing!
xx Tess | Sequins are the New Black
My little girl in 9 months. When I was pregnant I thought I would be back to workout as soon as the Dr allowed but it took me some time. When I have free time I would rather be with my family than at the studio. So we try to be active as a family. We take lots of walks! I totally recommend it!! Your little one will love to see where you are going and if you put her in the carrier you get to carry a little bit of extra weight… a great workout!
Love your attitude towards al of this!!!!
With my first daughter my heartburn was soooo bad I ended up taking Prilosec but before that I used Baby Shampoo and it helped (old wives tale)….however, my daughter was born with the MOST AMAZING HAIR!!!
She came out with a full head of hair with higlights. It never fell out and at 18 months has got the best volume. Every woman who saw Madelyn after she was born asked how bad my heartburn was?!?
Good luck with the heartburn and drink lots of water!
PPD- I walked as soon as I could after baby! I actually walked around the hospital because I was going crazy and just needed to MOVE! LOL. I took her on walks a few days after I got home, only around the block or so. Then after about a month I did online barre classes- slow and easy!! Then about 3 months later I started BBG 3 days a week. I also found a mommy and me class for one night a week. 🙂 I loved being able to take her to a class with me! Bonding time/working out and showing her early how being active is so important!!
Remember to give yourself grace!
Hi Sheridan!
So glad you said that!! I completely didn’t even think of BBG! That would be perfect since I can do it at home! Love that! Thank you. 🙂
I love the bright pink sneakers!!!
Mel | http://www.thegossipdarling.com
My daughter is 9 weeks old and I love the Tone It Up workouts for strength training. They have a YouTube channel/website with free workouts and also have DVDs, so I’ll put her in the bouncer and do my workout. We go to the park all the time and walk the loop – those workouts are easier to fit in because she sleeps through them. We bought a treadmill too since she’s too little to run with and it gives her some quality time with daddy while I’m working out! My favorite workout is Pure Barre but the studio by my house isn’t open yet – I’m counting down the days.
Never really been interested in a fitness tracker, but that scalloped cat ear one is adorable! Nothing like a cute accessory to change your mind about fitness 😉
How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where are your sunglasses from!?
21 day fix. Girl, the workouts are no joke! Thirty minutes and you’re done. It is HIIT style workouts and so I think it would be perfect post baby. You can prob find the dvds on Amazon by their self and not the food containers since you do fine eating. Thirty minutes at home while she sleeps so you don’t have to leave baby girl and then add in walks to get out of the house!
Love your workout wear!
xo, Caitlin
I did Tone It Up after my daughter was born and it was great for easing back into a steady routine. Now I’m using Beachbody on Demand so I can mix up different programs, but I’m really curious about BBG too. The key for me, though, is sticking to things I can do from home. I don’t have to coordinate my life with a studio’s schedule and she gets to join in. I love that I can set a positive example for her while taking care of myself as well!
How cute are your shoes?! <3
Sometimes it just feels good to get out as a new mom. I was going stir crazy after a few weeks at home & once I was ready to exercise, I looked for things I could do with my baby. I found some great yoga studios that encouraged baby wearing through their classes. I have also heard of barre classes offering the same 🙂 love your blog & your cute family!
Love this workout look! I struggle with the same things while working out!
Whatever exercise you do post baby, work back up to it slowly. After the birth of my daughter I thought I could just jump right back to where I left off, against the advice of my husband (who happens to be an orthopedic surgeon) and I ended up with a stress fracture. Then I couldn’t work out for 6-8 weeks. So just be careful. Pregnancy does all sorts of strange things to our bodies, but it is 110% worth it!!!!!
I’m not pregnant or a mom, but Kayla with BBG always posts such amazing pictures of other moms who have done the program post-baby. Literally it is so inspiring! That could be a great option to do at home and requires a small amount of time!
I am so excited to see that a designer has made a tracker!! That will come in handy when the baby is here so you can track how much your moving when you take walks and go places. Because it is HARD to find time to workout when you have a little one. Good for you mama!
xoxo, Hausofhope
You look so cute in workout gear! Total barbie babe vibes! I am not one to hop on a treadmill, I have always felt like a hamster trapped in a cage. I am trying to incorporate more running/jogging/walking into my life. I am such a fan of classes like barre, spin, and body pump. You are going to love taking your little babe on walks in the stroller around the neighborhood with peaches, I can see it now!
First off congrats on the new little bundle about to join you and your husband. You will love motherhood, I have a little boy named Camden who just turned 7 months. I wanted to share what I did to work out after having Camden. I totally get where you are coming from when you say trying to fit your work out schedule around hers and the traveling to and from the classes. Their schedule is soooo crazy at the beginning just take your time . And wait to start any ab workouts until about 5 to 6 weeks. That was my last target area… Your abdominal walls needs time to heal and mend itself back together. I ended up being a stay at home mom once he was here and I waited about 3 weeks until I started doing anything, to give my body rest. Cause girl… You’ll never want it more in your life.. Rest rest rest. I started walking with Camden in his carrier on me (the extra weight while walking is great :)) and it gets them to fall asleep too. I did this every day for an hour on the treadmill. Once I got to where it felt easy i started adding ankle weights. So while she gets heavier in weight and adding ankle weights it really starts to help. I am up to 25 pounds on each leg and I sometimes carry him (he is 19 pounds now) haha. Usually while I workout he is playing and likes to watch me on the treadmill. One more thing, I also did blogilates videos.. I was never a good at home video workout person haha but those are sooo good and she has such a good upbeat attitude in them. Camden is now 7 months old and I am 10 pounds under my pre baby weight.