Valentine’s Day Gifts



1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19

 I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that I am all about Valentine’s Day! Being a girly girl that loves anything pink and feminine means this holiday is right up my alley. Growing up my mom made us Valentine’s Day baskets [and she still does!] and would fill them with cookies, little pink and red goodies and candies. I definitely will carry on that tradition with my little one because I always looked forward to it. She’d put it at our kitchen table while we ate cinnamon rolls before school and my sister and I would go through our baskets seeing what she found for us. Then I’d shove as many Swedish Fish in my Hello Kitty backpack as I possibly could so I could eat them during lunch. haha!

Even if you aren’t in a relationship, I think this holiday is fun to just celebrate love in life in general! Love yourself and splurge on this bag. Love your mom and treat her to beautiful stationary. Love your couch and treat it to a sassy pillow! 😉 I honestly just associate Valentine’s Day with those sugar-filled baskets my mom made my sister and I, so I really don’t think it has to be the Hallmark holiday everyone labels it as.

I’d love to know what you prefer to do on Valentine’s Day as well! My girlfriends and I have a “Galentines” dinner every year at our friend Lindsey’s house, however this year I’ll have to skip out of course! It’s usually the weekend before Valentine’s Day. Paul and I have celebrated every which way from fancy dinners to meals at home. Last year I was doing Whole 30 so the poor guy had to eat some dairy-free, grain-free, bland concoction I had thrown together. But he was such a good sport about it and we laughed that we would always remember the Valentine’s Day I was on Whole 30!

If you have a special someone, I’ll include some gift options for guys below as well!

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  1. These are so girly, sure to cheer up any romantic!

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  2. Emily wrote:

    I love these options, Katey! Valentine’s Day has never been my favorite, but I don’t think there is a better holiday from a commercial standpoint. I love walking into Target and being surrounded by a sea of pink and red and seeing little hearts on everything. My mom always got me heart-print stuffed animals from Build-A-Bear for Valentine’s when I was younger and I remember that it made my day so special – I still have my heart-print Hello Kitty! ????

    I love the options you linked for guys – such small but great ideas (like the personalized wallet and keychain!) and I’m thinking I may have to treat myself to these Sam Edelman pom-pom sneakers in the name of Valentine’s Day. They’ve been on my wish-list for so long and now I finally have an excuse to buy them! ????

    Thanks, Katey!

    XO, Emily
    Epicurean Emily

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  3. Britt M wrote:

    Anything pink (or red!) is just fine by me, so you can imagine I love Valentine’s Day! My dad has three girls and a wife so you can imagine the candy and stuffed animal explosion we had at our house! My husband and I alternate between cooking at home and watching a movie or going out to dinner. If we go out to dinner I always make sure we split the check because as I always tell him, “Valentine’s Day isn’t about me, it’s about US”.

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  4. Morgan wrote:

    Been single for the past 5 years but still love celebrating this holiday! LOVE is always a good thing to celebrate!

    How 2 Wear It []

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  5. Love this list! Obsessed with the pink Tory Burch shoes!


    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  6. Nina wrote:

    I need to share this with the hubs so he knows what bags I want! They’re both adorable!

    Xo, Nina
    Law of Fashion Blog

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  7. Amanda wrote:

    So much pink and red! I love it! Valentine’s Day is my favorite too, I love to spoil my husband. Thanks for all the cute gift ideas!!
    Xo Amanda

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  8. Christina wrote:

    Thanks for sharing! I need to send this to my husband so he will buy me the “I love my dog” sweatshirt. That’s a must-have haha!


    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  9. Those foam rollers are the best! You should definitely get one for Paul. I have the (hot pink) Trigger Point Grid one and swear by it! I used to be a skeptic when it came to trigger point therapy, but now I’m a total convert.

    Loved this post!

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  10. Amy Cotton wrote:

    Love all of these gift ideas!! I think I’ll be passing them on to my husband haha! Also, I’ve been thinking about getting my husabnd a record player for a while now, so maybe i’ll pull the trigger this Valentine’s Day! Love your blog!

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  11. mary wrote:

    I love your ideas! Particularly those Tory flats! <3

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  12. Amberly wrote:

    I love those sneakers! So fun!

    Published 24 Jan 17Reply
  13. Hahahaha ok, totally need that I Love My Dog sweatshirt! <3

    Published 25 Jan 17Reply
  14. Hannah Devine wrote:

    I was born February 10th so Valentine’s has always been my favorite! I have a long term boyfriend, but I get way more excited about my Galentine’s plans! Hehe both are fun though!

    Published 25 Jan 17Reply
  15. I got my man that record player for Christmas and he loves it!!
    I am checking out a bunch of your other suggestions above now! Love those shoes.

    Published 28 Jan 17Reply