Fall Home Tour

It wouldn’t be a proper holiday if I didn’t decorate a solid two months before! I get absolutely so much joy out of decorating for the holiday season and Halloween kicks it off. Now I didn’t intend on setting this up so quickly, but the pillows came in the mail and look at this sweetness.

Maxi was helping me get the pillows out of the box and she kept saying, “Oh, Mama!” tracing the pillow with her finger. Who am I to steal a toddler’s joy with a holiday pillow?! 😉 If you’re preparing your home for fall and winter, don’t forget to contact companies like BMHeatingandCooling Melbourne to inspect your hvac unit and conduct a tune-up.

Okay, selfishly I was thrilled she was so into it. I wanted to set these out just as early! 

Today, I am so happy to partner with MacKenzie-Childs showing you how we are decorating for fall, more specifically, Halloween. This fall feels so special because we moved into our home the day after Halloween last year. I had actually gotten this pumpkin set and pined away to put them on our mantle. I was hoping we would move in before Halloween, but alas– delays per usual with building. The famous black and white MacKenzie-Childs’ pumpkins sat in my room at my parents’ for weeks as we waited to finish with the house. Right after we closed, I drove the pumpkins over to the house, walked in, put them on the mantle, and went back to my parents’ home to pack. It just felt like this gesture saying, “This is our new home”, especially because all of our stuff was in storage and the pumpkins were the only piece of home decor I had waiting with us during the move.

Now, these pumpkins symbolize a wonderful first year in our home. From watching Maxi turn into a toddler to hosting celebrations for our best friends getting married, we have filled this home with as much love as possible this first year. As I was placing the new MacKenzie-Childs’ fall decor on our buffet, I couldn’t help but think of how my mom decorated that piece when I was a little girl. {It’s truly the most treasured piece of furniture in our home!} I remember watching her place pumpkins I painted on it for Halloween, Santas for Christmas, and snowflakes I made at school for winter. I know they say scent is so linked to memory, and it is, no doubt! But I’d beg to say holiday decor is pretty close up there.

I feel like holiday decor is to your home what a home-cooked meal is to your table. It’s a sign of love to each person that walks through your front door, inviting them to feel welcome, comfortable, and most importantly “at home.” And I love seeing how differently everyone does it! Some people just stick out a fall candle, others switch everything down to throw pillows. There’s absolutely no right or wrong way to do it, and that’s why I love to see holiday decor tours.

So how did I decide to decorate for Halloween this season? With Courtly Check, of course!

Over the summer, I added in the Flower Market Canisters, which is a hint for what is to come in our kitchen design. I also saved up for the cake stand which I typically use for candles, but am using for a pumpkin this season. I decided to connect the Courtly Check in our kitchen all the way to the Courtly Check Pumpkins I got last year on our mantle. I wanted to keep the black and white pretty cohesive in our living room and dining area, so I added in accents on the buffet and pillows on our seating. In the dining area, I mixed my Sweetbriar with these placemats and these napkin rings.

If you are a Courtly Check lover as well, you know that since each piece is hand painted, there are unique color strokes throughout. This is what I love the most about that print! It isn’t a stark black and white which sometimes screams modern. It can totally work with a modern style, but the variation in strokes allows for more warmth in your color pattern. For example, we have a lot of warm-toned furniture throughout our living space with a focus on browns and wood furniture. Those color strokes allow it to all blend and then I added in some metallic pumpkins as a nod to my gold accents like the mirror on the mantle. I also added in some printables from my sweet friend basilchic {they were so easy to download and print!} and then a candy garland I couldn’t pass up!

You can see more of the fall decor collection by MacKenzie-Childs here. I’m having to shield my eyes from the beautiful Christmas items or I’ll be putting the tree up October 20th.

Shop Pumpkins

How do you like to decorate for the holidays?! Will you have a fall theme this year?

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  1. All decked out for Halloween already, I see! I love the festive furnishing, it looks so good and cosy! So Instagrammable 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
  2. Abi Nowlin wrote:

    I went for a neutral pumpkin palette!! It was such a blast to set up!

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
  3. Alisa wrote:

    Looks beautiful and you’ve inspired me to decorate this weekend for fall!

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
  4. Janie Foltz wrote:

    I clicked on Boo Girl and it took me to Lawrences Gifts but there is no Boo Girl. Where can I find, please. Thank you! Janie

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Janie! It is from Lawrence’s Gifts. It is a local boutique to me so they don’t update their site as often. I think you can call and get info! I just got it in store. 🙂 xx, katey

      Published 06 Sep 18Reply
    • Megan wrote:

      Hi Janie,
      After some serious googling I found the figures are by Lori Mitchell. They’re so cute!

      Published 09 Sep 18Reply
  5. scarlett randolph wrote:

    I absolutely fell in love with Mackenzie childs after you introduced me to them. now I can’t get enough of it all and I have a wish list going on there sight already hahah. I just ordered the pumpkins and the beware ones too. now I am like you I want to order all of the christmas stuff I have a feeling I know what our theme is going to be this year already for the tree. hahah

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
  6. Laura Leigh wrote:

    Oh my gosh! Everything is SO cute!!! Loving all the MacKenzie Childs pieces!

    xo Laura Leigh
    Louella Reese

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
  7. Mariah wrote:

    Seriously swooning over this decor!! All the cozy, chic fall vibes!! Would you be willing to share how you edit your pics with lightroom? xo

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Mariah! Of course! So, I actually just use a preset that I made for my blog. 🙁 I think the best thing is to buy a preset from a girl that sells, then play with that combination to adjust to your own settings, then copy and save and save that photo in lightroom mobile app- so you can edit on the go. I hope that makes sense! xx, Katey

      Published 06 Sep 18Reply
  8. Taylor wrote:

    Katey I DIE!!! So fall yet still so subtle and stylish. Come down to Houston and HELP THE REST OF US

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
  9. Ashley wrote:

    Love all of this!! Can you please tell me where you purchased the small ginger jar tray with the candle wick trimmer on it? Love it! Thanks for sharing.

    Published 06 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Ashley! It was actually a gift from a friend! 🙁 She got it at a boutique in Oklahoma a few years ago. xx, Katey

      Published 10 Sep 18Reply
  10. Annaliese wrote:

    Oh your decor is lovely!! I live alone in a small apartment but ever since graduating college I LOVE decorating for every holiday! It just makes my place feel more like home, and it’s fun when guests come!! 🙂 Can’t wait to see your Christmas decor!

    xoxo A

    Published 07 Sep 18Reply
  11. Erika wrote:

    Love all of the fall updates, it’s never too early for pumpkins!!! Can you share where the two black and white prints with the bold frames are from? Thanks! Xo

    Published 07 Sep 18Reply
  12. SO excited to get decorating for fall! <3


    Published 08 Sep 18Reply
  13. Lindsay wrote:

    I love all of your decor! It looks classic and fun at the same time!

    Published 09 Sep 18Reply
  14. Michelle wrote:

    Hi, where did you get the candy garland? Thanks

    Published 11 Sep 21Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Michelle! I got it from a boutique called Lawrence’s! xx, Katey

      Published 15 Sep 21Reply
  15. Meredith wrote:

    Where is your kitchen rug from?

    Published 25 Jun 23Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Target in 2018!

      Published 26 Jun 23Reply
  16. Joyce Dickerson wrote:

    Your house is beautiful I love McKenzie Child’s the pieces are warm and homey I love a black and white theme it really enhances your decor. I hope you continue to enjoy your home. Happy Halloween!

    Published 01 Aug 23Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Thank you so much, Joyce!! xx, Katey

      Published 02 Aug 23Reply