How I Organize My Closet

The Details

GLAMdivide | Baskets {some c/o} | Basket Labels {c/o} | Hangers | Skirt Hangers {c/o} | Pant Hangers | Short Hangers | Sunglass Organzer | Rug | White Blazer

photography by: Madison Katlin

This post is so long overdue! I kept promising to share my closet, but each time I organized or reorganized, I would think of a new way that I could make it more useful. Your closet, can typically become a catchall. With blogging, I feel it becomes one even more. There are some days I could shoot 8 blog posts, so that’s 8 different looks, and maybe I tried on 14 prior to shooting. With a toddler in tow rummaging through my pieces, boy can it become a mess on those days.

So after living here well over a year and many a styled shoot, I have learned lots of tricks for making it stay somewhat clean. Is it always this organized? Of course not! The ony way I get ready in the morning, is by letting Maxi put on all my shoesand play with my purses. But the built-ins, Elfa Container Store drawers and bins make clean up take 5 minutes.

When we first built, we had our builder do the shelving on the left side of the wall! And then once we moved in, we ordered and schedule elfa to do the right side of the closet. This is our second closet we have bought the elfa system for- here is my closet in our last home! If you haven’t done this process before, it is super seamless. You take photos and measurements up to Container Store and they’ll design the entire thing based around your clothing, lifestyle, and budget. This is one thing Paul is really into for our home. In our last home, the buyers loved that we had installed Custom Closet Systems. And the organizational difference we see is huge. When we moved here, he wanted to do my closet, his and the garage. I told him we needed to space that out! haha.

On the left side of the closet, I keep my shoes, handbags, dust bags, and bins organized in a shoe rack cabinet. The shoe rack cabinet not only helps maximize storage space but also keeps my footwear neatly arranged and easily accessible. In the bins, I store wallets, makeup bags, travel items, and off-season items {swimsuits or scarves, just depending on the season!}. In the back of the closet, I store cardigans. There is a rod that goes behind the shelving with my shoes {a little hard to see in photos} and then on top I have hats. The rod with my blazer typically acts as a clothing rack to store outfits I’m shooting for the blog. Then on the right, I have dresses, tops, pants, and shorts hung up. In my elfa shelves, I keep folded sweaters, workout clothes, sunglasses, jewelry, and pregnancy/nursing clothing that I am no longer using.

My Top 3 Unique Items for Organizing Closets

  1. Pant Hangers: The right hangers are crucial for for closet organization. First off, you want great hangers because that will really determine how your clothing wears and lasts. If you stretch out the shoulders of a sweater, it just wont lay right- no matter how much it cost! I love velvet hangers for 90% of everything, but for pants, I never felt that really worked. These pant hangers are honestly, one of my number one Amazon purchases of the year. They keep your pants neat and tidy and have given me SO much more room in that section.
  2. Basket Labels: No matter what type of baskets you use, labeling them is going to make a world of difference. These from the Container Store are one of my favorite things to buy there! I have used these all over our home from the laundry room to the linen closet and my closet is no exception. They clip snug on your baskets, so they won’t move around as you pull your baskets down. I never wonder where my gloves are or think things are lost, because I can quickly skim and know which basket to pull. These would make fabulous stocking stuffers for the organized friend of your group!
  3. GLAMdivide: If you are a handbag girl, you will love this. I love how it keeps my clutches and smaller bags sorted, and also acts as this virtual dust bag. Dust doesn’t collect on top, as the GLAMdivide protects the bags! I’ve had mine for 4 years now and I really think it has helped keep my bags sitting up, structured and looking new. Or maybe that is me justifying my obsession with handbags?! 😉

Up top on my closet, I keep totes stored that are not in uses as well as suitcases and travel bags! Then you’ll see that shoe sorter by the white blazer. I use that section to store in-season shoes. So when I shot this, I had mules for the fall season. Now, I have booties all there. It’s nice to have a little section of the shoes you are wearing most frequently because then I’m never really rummaging through the other section, which keeps it pretty tidy. I spend about 15 minutes on Sunday evening pulling what I’m going to wear for church and then picking up the rest of the closet so I can start the week with it looking like this. Do you like to keep an organized closet or do you function better with it being more of a catchall?! What are your tricks?!

I also wanted to note this week is Cyber Week at Container Store!

POP! Stars can shop a different category of the online store on sale each day 20%-off. All existing and new POP! Stars will be able to take advantage of the Cyber Week Offers.


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  1. I’d kill to have a closet that big! Wow! My whole bedroom is around the same size as your closet (oh, the woes of living in Hong Kong…). I love how you’ve organised it too! 🙂 ❤️

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 29 Nov 18Reply
  2. Laura Leigh wrote:

    Such a great post! Thanks for sharing this with us. You have done an amazing job organizing your closet!

    xo Laura Leigh
    Louella Reese

    Published 29 Nov 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Thank you so much, love!

      Published 29 Nov 18Reply
  3. Jennifer wrote:

    So inspiring! How do you store floppy totes? In your pics it looks like you stuff them so they stand up? Or is it an insert you place inside so they all stand nicely next to each other? And as for the glam divide clear boxes, do they come in different sizes? Are they on their sides in your photo?

    Published 29 Nov 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Jennifer! Yes! So sorry, I forgot to include the inserts, doing that now. This is what I use from the Container Store.

      The GLAMdivide is on its bottom placed upright for the bags. They do come in different sizes and I *think* the one featured is the smaller. Gosh I can’t remember since I got them so long ago! I do remember the two sizes not having a major difference. xx, Katey

      Published 29 Nov 18Reply
  4. Kelsie wrote:

    YASSS! I live for closet organization! Literally dream about it… Thanks for sharing!

    Published 29 Nov 18Reply
  5. Irina wrote:

    I want to live in this closet. Target and the Container Store are my favorite places and organization just makes me so happy.

    Published 29 Nov 18Reply
  6. Kelly wrote:

    wow I love it!!!!!! 🙂 so jealous

    Published 29 Nov 18Reply
  7. Amanda wrote:

    This is a wonderful closet, beautiful, but simple and efficient!! Well done!!! I will refer to this often as I’m working to redo my closet in our new home.

    Published 29 Nov 18Reply
  8. Bry Jaimea wrote:

    I love your style – such a neatly organised wardrobe too! xx

    Published 30 Nov 18Reply
  9. I love how organized this is!

    Published 03 Dec 18Reply
  10. Wow dream closet right here!

    Published 04 Dec 18Reply
  11. Teri wrote:

    It all looks great except for one thing. Why in heaven’s name would you put dirty outdoor boots on a shelf directly over your (presumably) clean clothing?? I keep my outdoor footwear in a different closet. I have outdoor shoes and indoor ones (that I NEVER wear outdoors). Long habit after spending years as an ER nurse….my ER shoes never even came home with me. The rest of your closet looks a lot like mine (well, I don’t have that many pairs of shoes or handbags). I do prefer my adjustable shelving so I don’t have the wasted space above baskets you do but then, I suspect my closet isn’t as big as yours.

    Published 08 Dec 18Reply
  12. Teri wrote:

    Oh, but I’d LOVE to have you do my labels!! Your handwriting is exquisite. Mine looks more like a doctor’s.

    Published 08 Dec 18Reply
  13. Ella Jones wrote:

    This closet is to DIE for! So well organised, I’m jealous of how much space you have to work with- great inspiration

    Published 18 Dec 18Reply
  14. Gab wrote:

    Lovely organization Katey! Will you do an update? Thanks

    Published 19 Sep 19Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Gab! Thanks so much! With our new house, my closet is much smaller. So I’m still figuring out how to organize it all and will do an update! xx, Katey

      Published 19 Sep 19Reply
      • Vanessa wrote:

        LOVE your content so much!! Will you do a post on a “his” side? We just moved and I’m organizing our closets and gonna use some of these tips!

        Published 07 Oct 19Reply
  15. Moki wrote:

    This is beautiful and so inspiring!! Thank you!

    Published 19 Feb 21Reply