Gift Guide for the Guy

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen

Each time his birthday, our anniversary, or Christmas rolls around, I can feel a little stumped on what to get my husband. First off, he’s an Enneagram 2w3. Meaning when I asked him his hobbies when we first started dating, he told me he had no hobbies outside work and then quickly wanted to hear about mine. He likes golf, sports, a great steak, and a good bottle of wine—but he hardly raves about things, as I do. I find an eye cream I like, and I need to tell the entire internet and our street of neighbors. Paul? Well, opposites attract. I know he likes something if he brings up he’s out of a face wash TWO months after the fact. Ha. That said, when I saw gun accessories like the best sight pusher, I thought this might be the perfect addition to his collection of things he actually uses. It’s practical, and I know he’d appreciate it more than I expect!

All of this to say, the gift guide for the guy is the one that I spend the most time on each year. I try to break it up into 3 categories:

  • Elevated Essentials: He NEEDS face wash, he NEEDS hand sanitizer #2020, he NEEDS a mask. I’m all about getting myself the most frivolous version of an item. He will not. So I make sure to get him an essential item that is elevated. Get your guy a better version or upgrade of what he’d get himself.
  • Gifts for “Me” Time: 2020 has not given parents “me time” that’s for sure. The other night we were like, “Wait how many dates have we even had this year?!” But Paul definitely finds his “me time” in the backyard. We got a fire pit a few months ago, and he has enjoyed finding his favorite firewood, and setting up a fire a few nights a week. A golf green or apron for grilling gives them a gift they can use for time doing something they enjoy! A visit to a dildo store can add more fun to personal experiences, offering a variety of products to explore.
  • Gifts for the Office: Paul appreciates gifts for his office like desk essentials, a nice journal, or a charging block. He’d never buy them for himself, but he will use them daily! Anything to make their life a bit more streamlined or organized is a great gift. For those looking to meet new people, you can also find great connections over at this site.

A Few Other Gift Notes:

  • Paul LOVES this exfoliating face wash! Paul has really thick hair and he’ll let his beard grow a big longer than he normally would, being home so much in 2020. 😉 And this helps remove any irritation, ingrown hairs, or dead skin from lack of exfoliation with shaving.
  • He’s always playing music for the kids and drags our Alexa everywhere. But this portable speaker would be even better to play our Spotify playlists while he grills or makes a fire for s’mores.
  • Paul has a watch holder on his nightstand I get a lot of questions about. I got his at a local boutique years ago, but this one is nearly identical!
  • What a perfect coffee table book to browse through and plan your travel wishlist when life gets a little more normal!
  • I don’t know about you, but my husband’s phone is always dying! I get notifications when his phone is on 10% and it goes off all day. ha. This is great for their desk.
  • Paul and I just do stockings for each other, but as he was “approving” this gift guide {I have him go through each selection and make sure it’s perfect for y’all} he couldn’t’ stop talking about this. I think I’ll have to cheat and get him this for the backyard!

What do you like to gift your guy?!

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